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  • Writer's pictureIsela Serna-Velasco

Winter Break 2021

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

My brother took this picture I was actually trying to get a picture like this, is quite nice, it was December 24. 

I like this photo, I like how the cactus look, 
and I took this photo December 20, I took it, because I wanted to remember the moment I spend there with my family.

My sister and I, riding our horse, I took this picture December 26. I like it because is a special moment with my little sister. 

This is my sister, Camila, she is a dancer it was her first time performing in a theater. It was December 16, and I took this picture because she looked beautiful. 

My dog and I, his name is oso, and he does not like pictures, my brother took this picture, December 29, and I like it because he is actually eating. (lol)

This is a photo from my hometown Calvillo, Aguascalientes, I grew up there so is a very special place for me. I took this photo December 15, I hang out with my friends and ate tacos. I took it because the night was beautiful and also the lights were just magical. 

Is located in the attached map, Calvillo, is beautiful, the nights are relaxing and you can eat a variety of things like chaskas, ice cream, boba, churros and other delicious food. I totally, would go back. 

This is my dog oso, I just love him, he is a little rude, but I still love him. <He is a cutie>

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